Diogene Network Reception
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DIOGENE is an EC funded project under the 5th Framework Programme - Information Society Technologies (contract IST-2001-33358). The main project objective is to design, implement and evaluate with real users an innovative training Web brokering environment for ICT individual training (but based upon a domain-independent platform). This environment will be able to support learners during the whole cycle of the training, from the definition of objectives to the assessment of results, through the construction of custom self-adaptive courses.

The system will use several state-of-the-art technologies, such as: metadata and ontologies for knowledge manipulation, fuzzy learner modelling, intelligent course tailoring, co-operative and online training support. In addition, it will include a set of innovative features, including: dynamic learning strategies, Semantic Web openness, Web services for Learning Object handling and property rights management, Curriculum Vitae generation and searching facilities, free-lance teacher support, and assisted definition of Learning Objectives.

The system will be accessible through the Web exploiting an ASP methodology. Once inside Diogene, a learner can select a particular set of topics from an ontology of arguments and let the system arrange a personalised self-adaptive course about these topics (personalisation will be based on learner profiling).

In addition, the system will be able to:

Enable free-lance teachers to subscribe to Diogene and to describe (in a formal way) their professional abilities. In this way, teachers would be considered as "learning resources" which can be exploited by students requesting guidance during the learning process.

Individuate learners with similar needs and/or profiles and provide them with a co-operative environment to support social interactions, mentoring and the exchange of information. The same environment will be used to interface free-lance teachers with their students, synchronously and asynchronously.

Apply a learner model based on an emerging standard format (e.g. PAPI, LIP, etc) to represent learner-assessed achievements and obtain, for each learner, a sort of electronic CV, which will be published with respect to privacy requirements. A CV search engine will then be developed, which allows third parties to search for qualified professionals.

Apply sound learning strategies, with respect to the Web, based on individual needs and learning styles, and provide the ability to automatically improve such strategies by exploiting information about knowledge assessments before and after training experiences.

An important feature of Diogene will be the possibility to use high quality contents from registered content providers' servers and freeware contents drawn directly from the Web, in the dynamic course composition process. This latter feature will be enabled by exploiting the power of the Web of the next generation (the Semantic Web), as announced by the W3C. Thanks to the annotation of Web pages with XML tags, online digital contents can be described formally in a machine intelligible fashion.

In order to test Diogene's capabilities, six high quality courses will be implemented by project partners: Object oriented analysis and design based on UML, XML, Professional engineering process improvement training, Increasing Organisational Performance with the Balanced IT Scorecard, Digital images for multimedia, and Video for the Web.




The project began on 1st April 2002, and its duration is 31 months.

Centro di Ricerca in Matematica
Pura ed Applicata

For more info:  info@diogene.org